About Us

We met at Covenant Theological Seminary in St Louis, MO in 2008. We got married in 2010 with the shared vision of being missionaries in a cross-cultural context. Since then we’ve lived in St Louis, Seattle, Phoenix, Tse Bonito, NM, and now Flagstaff, AZ. We have four children, Phinehas, Josiah, Zoe and Felicity. They are not only our first ministry but also an active part of our missionary life.

We have a heart to see God’s grace transform those who the majority has forgotten about, the down-and-out, the “fringe,” the unpopular. We are compelled to engage in cross-cultural ministry, particularly with Native Americans. They are our neighbors, and historically our ancestors haven’t done a good job of loving them. God directed us toward the Navajo to intentionally connect with children, young adults, and families through Word-based ministry. Our hope is to live out our life’s ministry with this people group, pursuing Christ-centered community, cultivating and serving the church. We both have a passion for teaching God’s Word to kids and families. During the first four and a half years of our ministry with the Dinè, we’ve been able to do this through AWANA, small group Bible studies, one-on-one discipleship & counseling, hospitality, jail ministry, and evangelism.

God has begun to hone our ministry vision and we are excited about what we will now be focusing our energies on! We now serve with Mission to the World (MTW), the missions sending agency of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA).

Our four and a half years with Western Indian Ministries/Across Nations has been a rich time of learning, growth in ministry, and great preparation for what lies ahead. Part of our work in Window Rock was facilitating large-scale events for Navajo pastors from all across the Navajo Nation. As we rubbed shoulders with hundreds of pastors and learned of the challenges they faced, we have had a growing burden to equip young leaders in church planting for the trials that they’ll face.

In 2020 we shifted our focus from equipping hundreds of Navajo pastors through quarterly large events to recruiting and discipling a few indigenous leaders to plant a church among their people. We are trusting God to lay the ground work through us to initiate a PCA church planting movement as we disciple, train and partner with up-coming Navajo leadersWe want to see Reformed families joined together in Christ on the Navajo Nation, worshiping Jesus and making disciples! Specifically, we hope that, by the end of our time serving the Navajo, an ethnically diverse team of pastors will have formed at least one Diné PCA church plant, holding contextualized and reformed worship, with a DNA for multiplying throughout the Navajo Nation.

DH is an INFP in the Meyers Briggs and a 5 in the Enneagram – he loves deep theological discussion and prayer, playing his guitar in our living room with a small group of friends. He can be found engaging with young men, leading Cubbies in AWANA, daily staff prayer, preaching at the local jail, and studying Navajo.

Emily is an ENFJ in the Meyers Briggs and a 2 in the Enneagram – she loves creating beauty in art, cooking and her home. Among her favorite things are discipling young women, leading Bible studies in her home, nature journaling, and cooking for guests.

A large portion of our ministry happens in our home, but it also extends far beyond our doorstep. Here is a map of our mission field:


In WORLD Magazine’s “Runaway sleigh,” Dec. 27, 2014 issue, Sophia Lee recognized that, “Without consistent, sound Bible teaching and discipleship by local ministers, initial passions dry out and life transformations cease” (p.3 of “A Nation at Risk”). We do not want to be yet another white missionary family who comes and goes, leaving a wake of hurt behind us. We want to be consistent, regular people in the community, to stick around long enough to participate in life transformation. We want to prayerfully engage with this people for the sake of the un-compromised Gospel, not just “pluralistic social work” (Lee, p.3).

One thought on “About Us

  1. Hey guys! ❤ I miss you all and I'm sorry it's taken me this long to talk to you! How are you? How are the kids? I hope that you're all well. I'm praying for you. God bless you!


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